Friday, March 2, 2012

Thank you for checking out my page. I finally decided to create this page after I recieved many emails on tips and recipies on healthier eating!


Only a few people I know have known that for many years I have been battling with reoccuring yeast infections along with horrible IBS syptoms. It's an imbarassing topic and not something you really want to talk about... turns out though I am not alone! It got to the point that I was searching for a bathroom asap everytime we would eat out at restaurants, then I started having issues with dairy and other foods at home. Then I started having cramping in my muscles and spasms and extreme acid diarea. I went to the doctor about it several times and the solutions just didn't make any sense or work for that matter! My mom actually told me about the Born Clinic and that is when my life changed!!! I started doing a lot of research on reocurring yeast infecions after seaching and searching millions of sites I found this amazing website full of great information and this is what really opened my eyes to how aweful our food system is and just how bad I used to eat.
I learned not only can yeast overgrowth be related to all kinds of autoimmune diseases but so are food sensititvities. I was the ultimate carb junky... like most of us are and I used to eat very poorly. It's so easy to do and when you really start looking at labels you realize just how aweful but of it is. I ate out a lot because I was busy like so many of us are and love sugary foods and pop. Just a not on sugar, it has been proven to be just as addictive as alcohol and drugs and infact the more you consume the more of it you crave. It's very hard to give up. But I highly recommend trying to limit is as much as possible.... So I overloaded my system with junk then throw in a few antibioics and wham you have a recipe for disaster. See what I learned is sugary foods feed yeast and it just continues to grow out of control, so you can use all the medication you want from the doctor but if you do not get rid of the carbs and sugar and foods causing the grief and starve the yeast it becomes an endless cycle. Men can also have this issue they just have different ways it effects their bodies, infact the guy who started this website did so because he had struggled for years with all kinds of yeast related issues from being on multiple anitibiotics as a child.  If you are a women who is struggling with this I stongly suggest you check out the website above. Upon reading the website I realized that food sensitivities can cause yeast issues. Food sensititivies are different than an actual allergy, the food actually attacks your immune system which makes it easy for bad yeasts to grow, your gut has a balance of good and bad bacteria, add that with the american diet filled with pesticides, antibiotics, food dyes, HFCS, pasturized food and a depleted soil from so much farming of Genetically Modified foods and it is no wonder so many americans are sick and fat. We have stoped thinking about what we should be eating as far as nutrition and eat these overprocessed convience foods, well they may we convenient now but how conveinent is cancer later on.... I will be using this blog to share articles about how aweful our food systems is the jerk behind it killing us all along with local places to get food from and recipies. I hope you enjoy and learn a little of what I have learned and it impacts you in some way! Grow your own, buy organic when you can and get your food locally. Don't be afraid to call local farmers and ask them about their farms. Most of them from my experience love to tell you all about their farms and even invite you to come check them out. We really need to support our local farms or the Government is going to put them out of business and if you think people are sick now just wait.... congress is already passinf laws for generically modified foods with added pesticides in their genetics... laced with small form of AGENT ORANGE!

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