Friday, April 19, 2013

GF Spinach Lasagna (The Simple Mom's Recipe)

a simple real food recipe :: spinach lasagna soupa simple real food recipe :: spinach lasagna soup

You’ll need:
a simple real food recipe :: spinach lasagna soupa simple real food recipe :: spinach lasagna soup1 lb grassfed ground beef
3-4 TB friendly fat to cook in (butter, coconut oil, tallow, lard)
2 medium onions chopped
4-5 cloves garlic, minced
4 small or 2 large tomatoes, seeded, juices scooped out, and chopped
2 quarts homemade beef stock (chicken stock works too)
1 TB Italian seasoning
2 cups brown rice pasta
Handfulls of organic spinach – it really wilts so don’t be afraid to really get a lot in there – I use a whole small box!
Sea salt/pepper to taste
Grated parmesan cheese or sour cream to top if desired
  1. Brown the beef in a little bit of the friendly fat, in a big soup pot, and set aside – don’t drain the fat – that is major flavor and grassfed beef fat is extremely nutritious. Grassfed ground beef is pretty lean anyway – it won’t be super fatty or greasy I promise.
  2. Add some friendly fat and the onions to the pot you just cooked the beef in. Saute them in the beef fat and butter with a pinch of salt to bring out their juices and sweeten. About 5 or so minutes.
  3. Add the garlic and cook for a minute.
  4. Add the stock, beef, seasoning, and tomatoes and bring to a boil.
  5. Do not reduce to a simmer – add the noodles and boil in the stock until they are al dente.
  6. Turn the heat down to low and add the spinach to wilt and cook through – will only take a few minutes or so.
  7. Top with Parmesan cheese or sour cream if you want!
a simple real food recipe :: spinach lasagna soupa simple real food recipe :: spinach lasagna soup
Kitchen Tips:
  1. If you are going to freeze this you will not want to cook the pasta all the way through otherwise they will be pretty soggy. It does turn out very good after being frozen, and most often I freeze a whole batch flat in a gallon freezer bag for a new mama – it slides right in the freezer so nice and she can bring it out when she is ready for it :)
  2. You could use rice or quinoa instead of the noodles. If you are grain free try potatoes. 
This is a Simple Mom's Recipe by Renee. To see this and many other healthy recipies check out their Facebook page


the real food hippie :: renee is married to her superman and mama to her 2 busy bees. she loves soaking up the sun, real butter, and julia child. she believes any meal becomes great with butter, onions, garlic, and a glass of wine. her passion is helping people take baby steps to raise a real food generation in this world of highly processed food – one with healed guts, functioning minds, and solid health. Find more of Renee on pinterest and Google+.

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