Friday, April 19, 2013

GF Mac and Cheese (A Simple Mom's Recipe)


a simple real food recipe :: quick real food mac-n-cheese
  • 2 cups dry gluten free pasta (go for a rice or brown rice pasta – even our local NON health food store carries them now)
  • ¼ cup Parmesan cheese, grated (organic preferable – NOT from the green can. Get a block of cheese and grate it yourself – there are SO many additives and unnecessaries in the pre-grated)
  • 1 ½ cup cheese, shredded (organic and raw preferable – not pre shredded and dyed yellow – there are so many additives and unnecessaries in the pre-shredded and bright yellow cheese)
  • ¾ – 1 cup whole cream or whole milk depending on how creamy or thick you like it (Organic and raw preferable. Raw cream is not available where I live, but a great local farmer does carry a quality cream. Do NOT get Ultra pasteurized.)
  • ¼ cup real butter
  • Sea salt/Pepper to taste
  • About ¾ tsp turmeric for coloring yellow (optional only if you want the bright yellow!) OR a natural yellow food coloring – most health food stores will carry them

  1. Boil noodles in water (or like I did in chicken stock for extra nourishment!) and strain.
  2. While the water comes to a boil and the noodles are cooking, warm the cream and butter in a separate pot so they aren’t ice cold when they hit the cooked noodles – just warm until they combine together. You can also shred your cheeses while the noodles are cooking.
  3. Add your cooked, strained noodles and the shredded cheeses into the pot with the warmed cream and butter and combine.
  4. Add your seasonings and, if you wish, the turmeric for color.

Kitchen Tips:
  1. This made enough for the girls and I to have 2 lunches worth and a little left over. To be honest my youngest wasn’t a huge fan – she isn’t a big “noodle” person. We just don’t eat a ton of it. She took a few bites and pushed it away asking for more broccoli instead. My 3 year old LOVED it! I thoroughly enjoyed my serving by the way ;)
  2. To reheat leftovers, just heat on the stove with a couple splashes of milk or water to re-moisten. Do not microwave or you will ruin all the good nutrients in the real cream and cheese!
  3. To pack up in a lunchbox, I would get it nice and hot in the morning and store it in a thermos with a couple extra splashes of cream, milk, or water to keep it moist – it does thicken a little because the noodles will soak in more moisture.
  4. Boil your noodles in homemade chicken stock for more nourishment!
  5. THIS is similar to the gluten free rice pasta I get at our local grocer – shop around – gluten free pretty easy to find these days. Just be sure to read the ingredients – no soy!
  6. THIS is what turmeric looks like and THIS is a good natural food dye. Again – you may be able to find these cheaper in your health food store or local grocer.
  7. Read THIS and THIS on why real wholesome animal fats like those in real cheese and cream are so nourishing.a simple real food recipe :: quick real food mac-n-cheese


the real food hippie :: renee is married to her superman and mama to her 2 busy bees. she loves soaking up the sun, real butter, and julia child. she believes any meal becomes great with butter, onions, garlic, and a glass of wine. her passion is helping people take baby steps to raise a real food generation in this world of highly processed food – one with healed guts, functioning minds, and solid health. Find more of Renee on pinterest and Google+.

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