Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Crock Pot Fahitas/ Simple Mom's Recipies

I just have to share this delious recipe we tried the other night. Simple Mom's is a great site with lots of fun tips and yummy healthy recipes. Here is the one we tried last night.
We also tried our own spin on this recipe using Simply Organic fahita seasoning and added refried beans all on some gluten free Amaranth wraps (La Tortilla) and whole wheat wraps. With the left overs I put shredded cheese, refried beans and the fahita mix and rolled them up and froze them from quick easy lunches! I recommend trying both versions...YUM!

Whole White Wheat Blueberry Applesauce Pancakes with Flax

1 Large Egg (organic is best)
1 Cup Meijer Naturals white whole wheat flour
3/4 cup raw buttermilk (Mooville is a great alt, the raw milk makes the fluffiest pancakes)
1 TSP of plain or maple Agave or 1 packet Stevia or Brown Sugar
2 TBS flaxseed (we use Bob's Red Mill)
2 TBS Coconut oil or Butter or Healthy Oil
3 TSP baking powder
1/4 TSP salt
2 TBS of unsweetend applesauce
1 pint organic blueberries( or less depending how much you like, any fruit can be used)

Beat egg in bwl with fork or hand beater until fluffy. Beat in remaining ingredients until smooth. I added a little more milk until I got the consistancy, I like them a little runny. Heat griddle to medium heat. I used a combination of coconut oil and real butter to grease the skillet. Pour about a 1/4 cup per pancake and flip when each side turns golden brown. Be sure to enjoy with REAL maple syrup!